It's been a whirlwind month here at the farm, and we're thrilled to share our latest updates with you.

We're chuffed to bits that so many of you have joined our community after sampling our wares at events across Buckinghamshire. The response to our plum liqueurs has been simply smashing, with our Kea proving particularly popular.

Your enthusiasm fuels our passion, so thank you!

Now, for the big news: We've officially ordered our distillery equipment! With all the paperwork and licences finally sorted, and planning permission in hand, we're set for an incredibly exciting year as we begin building our distillery. We can't wait to see our dreams taking physical shape on the farm.

In orchard news, we've been busy mulching this month. Our trees are still young - between one and two years old - so we're currently sourcing our plums from a farmer friend. But fear not! In about three years' time, all 6,000 of our trees should be mature enough to supply fruit for our products. Patience is a virtue in the world of orchards!

Mother Nature threw us a curveball this year with all the wet weather, putting a damper on our plans to grow our own barley. Not to be deterred, we've been experimenting with other grains and have lined up a neighbouring farmer friend to supply us with barley if needed. While we're keen to source all our ingredients from our own farm, sometimes we have to bow to the whims of the weather!

Thank you for your continued support on this exciting journey. We'll keep you posted on our progress, and we look forward to raising a glass with you in our very own distillery before too long!