It's been another bustling month here at Aedda's Farm Distillery, and we're bursting with excitement to share our latest adventures with you.

We're over the moon that so many have joined our merry band after sampling our delightful plum liqueurs at various events across Buckinghamshire. Your enthusiasm for our craft has been absolutely heart warming, keeping our spirits high as we continue to grow and evolve.

Now, drum roll please... We've got some cracking news to share! Construction on our visitor centre and office block is set to kick off this month! It's the first step towards realising our dream, and we're super excited. If all goes to plan, we'll be breaking ground on the distillery itself in November, with the goal of being fully operational in our very own setup by Spring 2025. We can hardly wait to welcome you all and show you around!

In farm updates, we're still busy with the late harvesting of our grain. It's been a bit of a race against time, but we're determined to get it all in. This grain isn't just any old crop - it's the foundation of our future whisky! We're already dreaming of the day when we can distil our very own whisky using grain grown right here on our farm. Talk about from field to bottle!

Speaking of fruit-based delights, we've been busy as bees in the development kitchen. Our current focus? A special Christmas edition of our beloved plum liqueur that we hope will add an extra sparkle to your festive season. But that's not all - we're also exploring the possibilities of cherry-based creations. Watch this space for some truly scrumptious new offerings!

As always, we're immensely grateful for your unwavering support on this thrilling journey. We'll keep you in the loop as we inch closer to opening our doors. Here's to raising many glasses together in the near future!